
The MSU Equine Internal Medicine Service is ready to aid your horse. Services offered include outpatient examination for disorders including gastrointestinal, cardiac, respiratory, neurologic, endocrine, ophthalmologic, oncologic, dermatologic, and poor performance. Our service offers a wide range of equine expertise by collaborating with specialists throughout the MSU Veterinary Medical Center.

Services Offered

  • Physical examination and diagnosis
  • Standing endoscopy (throat, lungs, stomach, bladder)
  • Treadmill endoscopy
  • Ultrasonography, radiology, CT, MRI
  • Neonatal and adult intensive care
  • Allergy testing and treatment
  • Diagnosis and management of GI diseases, metabolic diseases,
    neurologic diseases, airway abnormalities, and urinary diseases
  • On-site equine blood donors
  • Poor performance evaluation