
Hello, CVM Alumni and Friends-

We’ve had a lot going on in the past six months here at the College of Veterinary Medicine. In January, we hosted an Alumni and Friends Reception at VMX 2024 in Orlando, and more than 80 alumni, faculty, and supporters of the College took the opportunity to gather and reconnect. I always enjoy meeting alumni at these receptions and chatting about the College, its community, and the ways that we communicate (such as this very magazine). Please remember to keep an eye on the events page of the College’s website to stay informed about when and where we’re gathering next.

While there is a lot of value in meeting and talking in person, I know it can often be challenging to make it to events like these. That’s part of the reason I’m grateful to have an active online community where alumni can make connections and keep in touch with one another. Please be sure to find us @msuvetsalumni on Twitter and LinkedIn, and @msuvets on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. I also want to shout out our YouTube channel, @msuvets. This channel gives you a glimpse into so many different aspects of and goings-on at the College. From a day in the life of a veterinary nurse to the countdown to graduation, these engaging and informative videos are worth the watch.

Now that we are here in 2024, we have officially passed the halfway mark on our 2021-26 Strategic Plan. This plan consists of six goals: innovative education, transformative research, service destination, outstanding and diverse talent, healthy community, and performance optimization. We’ve made fantastic strides so far, and I highly recommend taking a look at our progress on the initiatives and strategies within each goal on the Strategic Plan Dashboard. One strategy within the healthy community goal is to “develop and sustain highly valued, mutually beneficial connections between the College and its alumni.” I hope through the events we’ve held, the communities we’re fostering online, and the communication tools we’ve employed so far, you feel that we’ve made progress when it comes to our alumni community. If you have further ideas on ways to foster alumni engagement, please feel free to reach out.

One important way we can strengthen those beneficial connections is to share stories and cheer each other on. This issue of INSIGHTS does just that. Thank you for reading and engaging with the community that surrounds the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Go Green!

Kelsie Donaldson Signature

Kelsie Donaldson
Communications and
Alums Relations Specialist

Kelsie Donaldson