
Greetings, CVM Community —

As I become better acquainted with the College, I continue to be impressed with what I see. Spartan veterinarians, nurses, and scientists are making a difference in their communities by furthering our mission in a multitude of ways. In this third installment of INSIGHTS Magazine, we continue to shine a light on our students and professionals who:


Our recently reformed Alumni Advisory Council is increasing focus on inclusion, productivity, and engagement with our academic community. Also hard at work is the Association of Asian Veterinary Medical Professionals. Its members are building a community where Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American students can support and relate to each other. Assistant Professor Bartolomeo Gorgoglione is also targeting our on-campus community as he works to expand interest in aquatics and fish health, a discipline under-considered by veterinary students. But he’s reaching further, offering educational opportunities to diverse audiences around the world


In addition to aquatic veterinary education, Dr. Gorgoglione maintains a busy research portfolio. He focuses on fish pathobiology and immunology, and is working with collaborators around the world to identify emerging aquatic pathogens. Meanwhile, Dr. Kimberly Sebastian is studying a disease we often see in the clinic: leukemia. Her use of companion dogs in translational research is designed to improve the welfare of both animals and humans alike. And translational research as a whole is getting a boost at the College with the installation of a new Philips 3.0T MRI, which will offer researchers and clinicians higher quality scans with reduced waiting time without compromising data.


Two professionals at the Veterinary Medical Center have recently touched the lives of both animals and people. W. O. Brinker Endowed Chair of Veterinary Surgery Dr. Loïc Déjardin performed life-saving surgery on Huck, a two-year-old Australian cattle dog. This resulted in a playful, full-of-life pup and a very happy owner. Veterinary Nurse Rose Wahl credits her professional fulfillment to her compassion for not only her patients, but her fellow veterinary professionals.


At the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Director Kim Dodd is excited to implement a partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture’s new Unusual Morbidity/Mortality Event Program. This collaboration will directly support laboratories that make complex diagnoses. Similarly, Microbiology Resident Tayna Padilha Basqueroto is hoping her time at the Lab equips her with more tools to make accurate diagnoses and provide proper treatment to animals. But not all those who protect do so from a laboratory. Food Safety alum J.R. Foster’s award-winning research on product transportation could effect real change in produce-cooling protocols to limit food safety risks and save companies money.

These stories reinforce how grateful I am to be part of an institution that is making an impact in a wide range of industries. I hope you’re just as proud as I am to be a Spartan.

Interim Dean Freeman with Sparty
Interim Dean Freeman Signature

Douglas A. Freeman DVM, PhD,
Diplomate Emeritus ACT

Interim Dean,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University