
Greetings, CVM Community —

After stepping into the role of your newly appointed interim dean, one of the first things I did was learn about the College’s mission: Learn, Discover, Heal, and Protect. As veterinary professionals and scientific experts, there are seemingly infinite ways for us to positively impact the world. Returning to academia gives me a fresh opportunity to do incredibly meaningful work—to support the future of our field. I’m eager to support Spartans who seek and create knowledge, care for animals in need, and safeguard the world we share.

That’s our focus in this second installment of INSIGHTS Magazine—our mission and those who enact it.


Meet two alums who are “dairy” passionate. After six years of industry experience around the country, Katie Rottenberg joined our Veterinary Nursing Program. As an alum, she’s a lifelong learner in search of her dream job working with farm animals. Associate Professor Dr. Andres Contreras has made the rounds through our College—from intern to graduate student (twice over) to faculty member. Today, he studies fat biology and how it impacts cow health, and passes along the high-quality mentorship that was provided to him.


Breakthroughs happen throughout our College and across all career stages. PhD student Janelle LeMon studies the connection between early-life adversity and chronic inflammatory diseases by way of mast cells. She’s working to affect change in human medicine, society, and higher education. Dr. Karen Perry, a renowned expert in feline orthopedics, has been named the College’s Pat Carrigan Chair in Feline Medicine. This leadership position will enable her to further advance the field through her research, teaching, and clinical practice.


The act of healing is at the forefront of veterinary medicine. As an oncologist, alum Dr. Renée Alsarraf facilitated plenty of healing for pets, and even did some healing of her own. She writes about these experiences in Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well. We also see a lot of healing at the MSU Veterinary Medical Center; hospital patients King, Lazarus, and Sadie are all shining examples. To do this work, our clinical teams need the best facilities and resources. We are excited to showcase the Hospital’s new HVAC system and stunning renovations that offer our patients and employees a healthier, happier environment.


Veterinarians have the unique capacity to protect all species from a multitude of health hazards. Food Safety alums Colleen Nyland and Jennifer Pulcipher each have leveraged their knowledge toward incredible accomplishments. Nyland received the Edward & Mary Mather Outstanding Food Safety Student Award, while Pulcipher was recently appointed to the International Fresh Produce Association’s (IFPA) Board of Directors. In the MSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Dr. Rachel Sheffler is using her unique position as a first-year toxicology resident to forge a path for future diagnosticians.

Each of these stories represent the strength and passion of our College community. Thank you to the Spartans who dedicate their lives to serving others, and thank you to our friends who lend support.

Dean Puschner Signature

Douglas A. Freeman DVM, PhD,
Diplomate Emeritus ACT

Interim Dean,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University

Interim Dean Freeman Portrait