The MSU VDL accepts specimens shipped through the U.S. Postal Service (U.S. Mail) and all commercial delivery services including UPS and FedEx. (See our Shipping Requirements for Submitting Specimens for more information on how to package specimens for shipment.) For your convenience and savings, we offer convenient package mailers with the option of prepaid postage on shipping of specimens through UPS (overnight delivery, Monday-Friday) or U.S. Mail (Monday-Saturday, delivery times vary. For clients who prefer to use FedEx, we offer a FedEx billable stamp for overnight delivery Monday-Friday. For those Fridays when a package needs to arrive on Saturday, we have a UPS Saturday delivery option—these Saturday delivery stamps must be ordered by phone.
All other mailing supplies can be ordered by phone at 517.353.1683, by fax at 517.353.4426 using the Product Order Form, or by completing the SUPPLIES section on any MSU VDL submittal form. (NOTE: Other specialty mailers not listed below are also available. Please see the Product Order Form or our catalog, or contact the lab directly.)

Insulated Mailer
Biological Substance, Category B Packaging*
Instructions for Insulated Mailer
- Most popular, versatile, and complete shipping solution
- Includes PREPAID UPS guaranteed overnight traceable delivery Monday-Friday
- Contains everything you need to safely and quickly ship your specimens to the MSU VDL
- Can be used with or without icepacks
- Suitable for a wide range of specimen types (swabs, tubes, tissues, etc.) and quantities
- Reasonably priced at 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of shipping overnight on your own

Small Mailer
Exempt Animal Specimen Packaging**
- Available with either PREPAID UPS guaranteed overnight traceable delivery Monday-Friday or U.S. Mail return postage Monday-Saturday
- Contains everything you need, including specimen tubes/caps, to safely and quickly ship your non-temperature sensitive specimens to the MSU VDL
- Comes in convenient quantities of 6, 12, or 24—the price of one set of 6 UPS mailers is normally less expensive than sending us one package via UPS using your own shipping materials
- Not intended for use with icepacks

Biopsy Mailers
Exempt Animal Specimen Packaging**
Instructions for Biopsy Mailer
- Contains everything you need, including biopsy jars but NOT formalin, to safely and quickly ship your biopsy specimens to the MSU VDL
- Available in two sizes: small includes two (2) jars, large includes four (4) jars
- Small biopsy mailers are available with PREPAID UPS guaranteed overnight traceable delivery Monday-Friday or U.S. Mail return postage Monday-Saturday; large available with UPS overnight delivery only
*Biological Substance, Category B: Shipping for the purpose of diagnosis of an infectious disease or the samples may contain infectious agents.
**Exempt Animal Specimens: Minimal likelihood that pathogens are present.