The Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center is committed to providing excellence in all aspects of healthcare and support to our clients and patients.
Every one of our services is a team made up of veterinary specialists, residents, interns, senior veterinary students, licensed veterinary technicians, and support staff. You can expect our teams to display integrity, understanding, and compassion while offering optimal, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options for your animal.

Our teams will maintain open lines of communication at all times during our care of your animal while remaining accountable for all of our actions. You can expect us to partner with your family veterinarian through open communications and full disclosure, working together to deliver the best care for your animal. If you or your family veterinarian calls us, we strive to return your call within one day, and usually sooner. We will maintain contact with your family veterinarian at the time of admission and discharge, and if necessary, at times in between. Our team will maintain contact with you on a daily basis while your animal is in the VMC.

The MSU VMC also is committed to excellence in teaching and the advancement of knowledge to enhance the well-being of all animals. Our faculty and clinicians are focused on preparing the next generation of veterinary professionals. We strive to provide a positive learning environment for our students, who are dedicated caregivers and doctors-to-be, and to provide innovative solutions to the problems that affect our animals.
This includes acting purposefully to attract and retain talented students, faculty, and staff who reflect the diversity of the populations we serve. Our environment supports and nurtures all people as respected individuals.

We all look forward to meeting you to openly discuss your animal's condition, to inform you of the treatment options available, what tests should be done, how much it will cost, and the chances of success.
Welcome to MSU, where through collaboration, we are one team dedicated to improving your animal’s health through clinical excellence, groundbreaking research, and teaching, while providing compassionate care that is worthy of your trust.
We promise to do our very best to uphold our values—Diversity, Innovation, Integrity, Compassion, and Collaboration—and look forward to working with you.