We Are Veterinary Professionals

Veterinary science courses have been taught at MSU since the institution's founding in 1855. The College of Veterinary Medicine was formally established as a four-year, degree-granting program in 1910.

Today, the College includes three biomedical science departments—microbiology and molecular genetics, pathobiology and diagnostic investigation, and pharmacology and toxicology; two clinical departments—large-animal clinical sciences and small-animal clinical sciences; two service units—the Veterinary Medical Center and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory; and several research centers.

In addition to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree program, the College also offers certificate and bachelor's degree programs in veterinary nursing, as well as advanced degree (master's and doctor of philosophy) programs.

The College of Veterinary Medicine is fortunate to have an outstanding faculty, all of whom hold the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and/or the doctor of philosophy degree. Nearly all of the specialty boards recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association are represented on the faculty. Many of these faculty members are leaders in their fields, both nationally and internationally.

Michigan State has a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity, affirmative action, and multiculturalism. The College of Veterinary Medicine has attained national recognition for its leadership in programs for the encouragement of underrepresented groups at the preprofessional, professional, and advanced studies levels, as well as for increased diversity in its faculty.

Special opportunities for preveterinary and professional students to participate in international veterinary activities further expand appreciation of different cultures. Indeed, international experience and opportunities abound in the college for both faculty and students. Nearly 300 individuals associated with the college have been involved in activities in 36 countries. A special endowment provides funds to support student travel abroad.

The abundance and variety of animal agriculture and companion animals in Michigan provides the College with one of the largest clinical and diagnostic caseloads in the country. Educational and research opportunities are considerably enhanced by this large caseload.

The College also takes seriously its obligation to meet the needs of society in addition to clinical services and education. The College has expertise in public health, biomedical and comparative medical research, ecosystem and environmental management, and the multiple facets that compose our complex global food system. The College also supports key animal health programs conducted by both the Michigan Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


The MSU College of Veterinary Medicine achieved full accreditation with a minor deficiency in Standard 11: Outcomes. The Council on Education extended the College's full accreditation for an additional 7 years, through 2026.