Please download the Dermatology First Visit Packet for a complete set of information, forms, and cost assessments. This will help ensure that your pet is properly prepared for their first exam.
A medical history form from the veterinarian must be brought with the client on the day of the appointment. This is to assist the Dermatologist, and it will be added to the patient’s medical record.
The primary owner must be present for the pet’s first exam of the day, which typically lasts for about two hours. The animal will be here most of the day, usually until between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is to allow time for diagnostic tests to be completed and for all dismissal information to be finalized.
If you are unsure of the specific skin or ear problem that your pet may suffer from, you may make an initial appointment without individual patient preparation or drug withdrawals. However, allergy testing may not be an option at the first visit. If you wish to have your pet tested for allergies at your initial exam, please be sure to pay special attention to the above downloadable packet instructions.