Prescription Medication Refill Policy

Clinicians may authorize refills for prescriptions according to these guidelines:

  • Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center must be the patient’s primary care provider;
  • There must be a valid Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR);
  • The patient must have been examined by the clinical faculty within the previous twelve months, except for allergen orders generated by the dermatology service, in which case contact by the dermatology clinician with the referring veterinarian must be current;
  • Prescription refills are normally valid for one year from the date written (the clinician may indicate a time period of less than one year), or until the number of authorized refills are dispensed, which ever comes first (State Rules);
    • Controlled substances in schedule III through V may only be refilled five times within six months of the original prescription date (Federal Regulations & State Rules);
    • Controlled substances in schedule II may not be refilled (Federal Regulations & State Rules);
  • Michigan sales tax will be charged if the patient is not present in the hospital, nor examined, on the date the medication is dispensed (State Tax Code).
  • Clients of the Veterinary Medical Center may fill out a medication refill request form that will automatically be forwarded to the pharmacy staff for processing.

Prescription Medication Procedure

  • A “Medication Order Form” or a “Patient Not Seen Medication Order Form” shall be completed for medication orders; each form allows for the entry of multiple prescriptions.
  • The original copy of the above forms shall be kept in the patient’s medical record.
  • Refill information shall be entered, and tracked, in Vetstar® (the hospital information system).
  • Clients may request medication refills by:
    • calling the pharmacy prescription refill telephone number: 517-353-7739, or
    • completing the online prescription medication refill form located on this web site - see link above and to the right "Prescription Refill Request" to fill out a medication refill request form that will automatically be forwarded to the pharmacy staff for processing.
  • Requests for prescriptions with valid refills
    • received before 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday, will be ready for pickup after 5:00 PM the same day,
    • received after 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday, may not be ready to pickup until the next day.
  • Requests for prescriptions without valid refills must be submitted to the original service area, or the prescribing clinician, for authorization. This process may take some time depending on the availability of the specific veterinarian. Every attempt will be made to complete client request in a timely manner.
  • Request for refills of allergenic extracts may take up to four weeks to process.
  • All completed prescriptions will be available for pickup at the clinic front desk. Special arrangements, by other delivery methods, may be made upon request.

Shipping Information

There are three shipping options available to patients of the MSU Veterinary Medical Center:

  • USPS Standard, 3–5 days: $12
  • FedEx Ground: $10
  • FedEx Two-Day: $17
  • FedEx Overnight: $25
  • FedEx Saturday: $35

*Please note that shipping delays are to be expected due to COVID-19.

To place an order for medication shipment, please fill out the Pharmacy's Prescription Refill Request Form or call the Pharmacy directly at 517-353-7739.

Transferring Prescriptions

Call the pharmacy that you'd like to fill your prescription at and make sure that they carry the item. You may want to get a price estimate if possible at this time, as well. Ask them to call MSU VMC Pharmacy for the prescription transfer. The direct pharmacy phone number is 517-353-7739.

*Please note, if the medication is a veterinary-only medication, a human pharmacy likely will not carry it. Costco and Walmart may carry certain veterinary medicines, otherwise you could check with your local vet clinic.


In accordance with Michigan law, once medications or medical supplies dispensed by the Pharmacy leave the building, they will no longer be returned and credited, even if the medication or item is sealed and in its original packaging.