Rehabilitation aids in the healing and mobility of pets and athletes through individualized treatment plans. At the Dr. Elwood and Linda Collins Rehab Center, our team focuses on the whole patient while providing personalized care and consideration to any injury, illness or objective. Our team consists of veterinarians and licensed veterinary technicians that understand pain management and condition maintenance through their wealth of experience and advanced training. While working with you and your primary veterinarian, a comprehensive treatment plan will be made for your dog or cat that will be explained thoroughly before any therapy is initiated. Our Veterinary Rehabilitation Service is a great way for clients and their furry friends to achieve success together.
“Rehabilitation improves healing while enhancing patient recovery and quality of life. Through collaboration with our referring veterinarians and pet owners, we can offer many therapeutic options.”
– Sarah Shull, DVM, CCRT, Assistant Professor

Our services include:
• Acupuncture
• Athletic performance enhancement
• Conditioning
• Electrical stimulation
• Geriatric care
• Hydrotherapy
• Massage and stretching
• Neurologic retraining
• Orthopedic therapy
• Pain management
• Surgery prep and recovery
• Therapeutic laser
• Weight loss and maintenance