Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center Medical Oncology Service, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Laboratory, and Precision Health Program
Study Title: Efficacy and safety of a novel anti-cancer therapeutic for the treatment of metastatic mammary carcinoma in cats
Purpose of Study: Mammary tumors are a commonly encountered cancer in cats, particularly in females, with 80-90% of masses diagnosed as malignant (carcinoma). Mammary carcinoma in cats parallels breast cancer in humans with regards to receptor expression profile and propensity of metastasis. The median survival time in cats ranges from 6 months to several years, depending on tumor size and grade. Greater than 60% of cats have more than one tumor at diagnosis, with the majority being high grade.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel therapeutic targeting miR-10b, a molecule responsible for viability of metastatic cells in cats with mammary carcinoma. This multipurpose therapy has a previously demonstrated efficacy in halting breast cancer invasion and metastasis in mice. The advantage of our novel therapeutic over existing drugs is that it can also be used to visualize primary and metastatic lesions in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Studies in cats with mammary carcinoma will help bring this therapeutic into clinic to treat human breast cancer.
Inclusion Criteria (may be evaluated at MSU or at primary care):
- Histologic or cytologic diagnosis confirmatory of mammary carcinoma with metastasis
- Diagnosis of metastatic lesions confirmed via cytology/histopathology if accessible, or based on clinical suspicion
- Non-ulcerated primary/external mammary carcinoma lesions, total volume up to 8 cm3, subject to the overall health evaluation
- Overall health criteria, adequate liver function, adequate renal function, expected survival >4 weeks
- Lymph node metastasis, or any other metastatic invasion to be confirmed by cytology and/or CT scan
- Cases that have not undergone surgery or have undergone unilateral or bilateral mastectomy with metastatic involvement will be included
- Tumors with or without prior chemotherapy, concurrent NSAIDs are allowed
- Confirmed microRNA-10b overexpression > log 2 in lesion vs non-tumor parenchyma
- Informed client consent signed and willingness to consent to drug administration at multiple intervals, blood draws, return visits, monthly CT scans, post-mortem examination
Study Treatment: Cats with metastatic mammary carcinoma will first undergo a baseline CT scan. Cats will also undergo diagnostic imaging (MRI) before and 24 hours after the injection of the therapeutic to ensure its accumulation in the tumor lesion(s). For all imaging (MRI or CT scan) cats will be maintained under anesthesia using routine anesthesia methods and will be monitored closely by veterinary specialists. After the first injection, treatment will be repeated in two weeks followed by monthly CT scans and treatments. The follow up period may be extended for up to 12 months after initial treatments based on response.
Compensation: This is a funded study: cats will receive the investigational therapeutic and associated imaging free of cost. Pet owners are financially responsible for all treatments and diagnostics that are unrelated to the study.
Contact Information: Please feel free to contact our Medical Oncology Team at (517) 353-5420 or cvm.oncoinfo@msu.edu to refer a patient or for any additional information. Referring veterinarian and client calls are welcome.