Dean Bryan died on July 30, 1951, having served only three years, and Dr. C. F. Clark became dean on August 15, 1951. Bryan Hall in the Brody dormitory complex at MSU still carried Dean Bryan's name. In addition, an award of the American Board of Veterinary Public Health, now American College of Preventive Medicine, was established in memory of Dr. Bryan.
By 1953, Giltner Hall was completed, including a remodeled large-animal hospital. The total number of women enrolled in veterinary medicine had increased to 10 of 259 students, 3.8%.

In 1955, Michigan State changed its name from college to university. At the same time, the School of Veterinary Medicine became the College of Veterinary Medicine.
After Dean Clark's death on July 28, 1957, Dr. Willis W. Armistead arrived on August 10 from Texas A & M College to assume the deanship; he also served as president of the AVMA that year.