Enrollments were definitely on the way up at the beginning of the 1930s. By 1932, Dean Giltner reported that entering classes now averaged 30—as many as could be handled with available facilities and staff. He also announced a plan to require either one year of preveterinary college work or a five-year curriculum, a plan that received final approval in 1935.
One year later, good fortune had returned to the field of veterinary medicine. Whereas total enrollment at MAC had increased 70% in the previous ten years, veterinary enrollment increased by 565%, according to Dean Giltner's annual report. Needless to say, he used this statistic and the prospect for continued demand to support his requests for more facilities.
Effective in the fall of 1937, enrollment in the preveterinary and first-year veterinary classes was limited to 64 students. The dean's report for 1938 indicated that there were more than 400 applications for the 64 places in the freshman class.