General Residency Program
The mission of the Veterinary Pathology Resident Training Program in the Department of Pathobiology & Diagnostic Investigation at Michigan State University is to provide comprehensive and diverse training that leads to board certification by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP), and a successful career in any chosen field of veterinary pathology. As desired by the ACVP, the program fosters professional competency "sufficient to assume responsibility for the broad spectrum of assessment and interpretation of specimens, problems and situations encountered by veterinary pathologists."
Toxicologic Pathology Residency
In addition to our standard three-year internally supported pathology residencies, we also offer a Toxicologic Pathology Residency in association with Charles River Laboratories. The first two years of pathology residency training (either anatomic or clinical) are completed at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Michigan State University. Then residents relocate to Mattawan, Michigan for an additional 1.25 years of training at North America's largest and most rapidly growing private contract laboratory. During this period the resident receives training in good laboratory practices, laboratory animal pathology, and drug safety evaluation. This residency fulfills the requirements for board certification by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and provides a unique training experience for residents interested in a career in the pharmaceutical industry. This residency begins on July 1 and ends on August 31 three years later.
Combined NCI/PDI Residency
Please find a program description here.
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