The Points System
The purpose of SAVMA is to acquaint students with the functions of the AVMA, to encourage friendship between the various classes and faculty, to broaden the students’ perspective of the veterinary profession and other fields of interest, and to stimulate the development of professional attitudes.
To encourage participation in our SAVMA chapter and other activities in accordance with the mission of SAVMA, the membership established the “Points System.” This system allows students to view how many activities they are participating in per year and will accrue every year until graduation. We keep track of Meeting Points (MP) and Active Points (AP) which make up each member’s Total Points. We now have also implemented a color coding system to the points in order to better communicate with members what benefits they qualify for depending on their points and payments.
Color Statuses
White: Inactive member, unpaid dues
Gray: Paid dues, no points accumulated
Lime Green: Paid dues, has 1-9 total points
Spartan Green: Paid dues, has 10+ total points AND a minimum of 4 MP and 4 AP
Approved Active Point Opportunities
Active points are opportunities that are open to the whole school, benefit CVM or the community, and which the SAVMA E-board has approved.
You may only earn one point for one event each semester – for example, working two SAVMA shifts at MVC can only count for one point because it is one event
Events that you receive income, class credit, or points through another club may not be counted for a SAVMA active point
Requirement for recurring shifts for other clubs:
Two shifts, or at least six hours each for any of the following opportunities:
- Participate in Sponsor-A-Dog obedience classes with CVM’s vivarium dogs for 6 hours
- Complete two active shifts for Foal Team
- Complete two shifts for CVF's soup kitchen
- Complete one semester on the Fish Tank Team
- Volunteer for the wildlife ward (6 hours)
Requirement for single volunteering events:
- Three hours at one event. The following are currently approved:
- Vet-A-Visit
- Sell SAVMA Merchandise
- Participate in PVMA student panels
- SAVMA-sponsored Vaccine Clinic
- SAVMA-sponsored Microchip Clinic
- Attend any vet-related conference, excluding MVC and Phi Zeta Day (must submit proof of attendance)
- Clean all microwaves in the Student Center and Cafeteria
- Clean and empty out the refrigerator in the Student Center
- Volunteering with Shelter Medicine Club partner shelters
- Volunteering for the Big Babies 5K
- Michigan Community Street Clinic
- Vet Ed Day
- Admitted Students Day
- Volunteering at orientation
- FFA Vet Science Competition Volunteer
- Clean up campus events
If there are any volunteer opportunities that fit these descriptions, please fill out this form or print a hard copy so the E-board can vote on it!
Also, if you have a meeting opportunity that you think would benefit the College community, please fill out this form so the E-board can vote on it!
Submitting Point Forms
Complete this online form or print a hard copy to earn a point for events you don’t sign in for (eg: conferences, cleaning microwaves, volunteering at shelters). Submit either form and proof of attendance (ticket, receipt, signed form) to earn your active points.