Dedicated centers provide advanced facilities, equipment, and opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaboration in each of these areas.
- The Abuelo Laboratory focuses on oxidative stress' impact on vaccine responses in neonatal dairy calves, and how this dynamic affects profitability and antimicrobial use on dairy farms.
- Dr. Pamela Ruegg's Antimicrobial Stewardship and Dairy Health Management Laboratory performs and communicates research that helps dairy farmers maintain healthy cattle and use antimicrobials in a way that is both economically and socially responsible.
- The Contreras Laboratory researches dairy cows, adipose tissue, mastitis, inflammation, fatty acids, and lactation.
- The Equine Neuromuscular Diagnostic Laboratory and Mary Anne McPhail Equine Performance Center are state-of-the-art facilities for the study of equine muscle diseases.
- The Molecular Respiratory and Equine Genetics Laboratory is directed by Dr. Susan Ewart. The overall goals of investigators in the laboratory are two-fold: 1) To determine the molecular mechanisms of inherited diseases in the horse. 2) To understand the genetic predisposition to respiratory tract diseases in all species.
- The Gastrointestinal Stress Biology Laboratory is directed by Adam Moeser, who holds the Matilda R. Wilson Endowed Research Chair. The objective of the Gastrointestinal Stress Biology Laboratory is to gain a fundamental understanding of how stress, particularly early life stress, causes GI disease.