Degree Seeking
PhD/DVMYear Joined CMIB
Lorraine SordilloResearch Interests
Elucidating the physiological role of isoprostanes, a lipid-derived biomarker of oxidative stress, in dairy cattle during health and disease.
CMIB Publications
- Kuhn, M.J., A.K. Putman, L.M. Sordillo. 2019. Widespread basal cytochrome P450 expression in extrahepatic bovine tissues and isolated cells. J. Dairy Sci. In print.
- Putman, A.K., J.L. Brown, J.C. Gandy, A. Abuelo, and L.M. Sordillo. 2019. The oxylipid profile of dairy cattle varies throughout the early dry period. J. Dairy Sci. Jan. 26, 2019.
- Putman, A.K., J.L. Brown, J.C. Gandy, L. Wisnieski, and L.M. Sordillo. 2018. Changes in biomarkers of nutrient metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress in dairy cows during the transition into the early dry period. J. Dairy Sci. Oct. 1, 2018.
CMIB Presentations
- Putman, A. The oxylipid profile of dairy cattle varies throughout the early dry period. Oral. (Presentation given twice with modifications-MSU CVM Phi Zeta Day, East Lansing, MI, Oct. 5, 2018; Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, Chicago, IL, Dec. 2, 2018).
- The oxylipid profile of dairy cattle varies throughout the early dry period. Poster. Veterinary Dual Degree Colloquim. College Station, TX. August 2, 2018.
- Metabolic stress in dairy cattle during the dry period. Poster. Boerhinger-Ingelheim/NIH Veterinary Scholars Symposium. Bethesda, MD. Aug. 4, 2017.
- Cytochrome expression in bovine tissues and cells. Oral. (Presented twice with modifications-MSU CVM Summer Research Program, East Lansing, MI, July 21, 2016; MSU CVM Phi Zeta Day, East Lansing, MI, Oct. 7, 2016).
- Cytochrome expression in bovine tissues and cells. Poster. Merial-NIH Veterinary Scholars Symposium. Columbus, OH. July 29, 2016.
CMIB Awards
- MSU CVM Centennial Scholar Fund
- Dr. Jean and Dr. Richard Lannen Veterinary Scholarship
- Michael and Janet Budz Scholarship
- Arabian Horse Foundation Scholarship