Contact Information


Phone: 517-884-2057

Food Safety and Toxicology Building
1129 Farm Lane, Room 253
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824


  • BS, Colorado State University, 2000
  • PhD, Michigan State University, 2004

Honors and Awards

  • Merck Mechanisms Post-doctoral Award, Society of Toxicology, 2007
  • Faculty Scholar Award, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, 2010
  • Women in Toxicology Mentoring Award, Society of Toxicology, 2016
  • Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence, 2018
  • Kenneth E. Moore Distinguished Alumnus Award, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Michigan State University, 2018
  • Achievement Award, Society of Toxicology, 2020
  • Fellow, Academy of Toxicology Sciences, 2023
MSU Scholars

Dr. James Luyendyk is Professor of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation at Michigan State University (MSU). His research team focuses on mechanisms of hepatotoxicity and liver repair/regeneration, with an emphasis on how components of the blood clotting system participate in acute liver injury and chronic liver disease. He has nearly 120 peer-reviewed publications, has co-edited the Hepatic Toxicology volume of Comprehensive Toxicology and co-authored the liver chapter in Casarett and Doull's Toxicology (8th edition). Dr. Luyendyk is a Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences and is a recipient of numerous awards from the Society of Toxicology, including the Achievement Award. Dr. Luyendyk has served on numerous NIH Study Sections, including as standing member and Chairperson of XNDA. He holds diverse leadership roles in multiple professional societies, including as Co-chair of the new ISTH SSC on hemostatic management of patients with liver diseases, member of the AASLD hepatotoxicity special interest group steering committee, and as secretary and Council member of the Society of Toxicology.