Assistant Dean for the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine’s Offices of Admissions and Scholarship and Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Hilda Mejia Abreu, MS, PhD, was awarded MSU’s Excellence in Diversity Award (EIDA) in the Emerging Progress category on Thursday, November 30.
EIDA is an award program that recognizes the outstanding efforts of faculty, students, and staff at MSU who are committed to the principles of diversity and inclusion, and who actively engage in activities that demonstrate a sustained commitment to these principles. Eligible nominees are exceptional and innovative in areas such as teaching, research, programs, services, and community outreach.
Hilda is action-oriented. She implements programs and achieves outcomes.
Abreu was nominated for the EIDA by Sarah Davis, manager for ODI, John Baker, dean for the College, Susan Holcombe, professor in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, and Ioana Sonea, associate professor for the Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation.
Abreu’s infectious attitude and spirit of diversity has spread throughout the College since her appointment as assistant dean for ODI in January 2016. “Hilda is action-oriented. She implements programs and achieves outcomes,” says Baker.
Since January 2016, Abreu and her team have developed methods to not only understand diversity, but to live it. “For the College, receiving this award showcases the vision that the dean, the leadership groups, the faculty, and our community at large have for diversifying the veterinary profession,” says Abreu.
“Veterinary medicine is the least diverse of all the health professions, but the College is making progress under Abreu’s leadership,” says Baker.
Abreu hopes she can inspire other women to feel empowered to do great things. “I hope my recognition is a small incentive, for young women especially, to know that they too can do it,” says Abreu. “When I first came to college at age 18, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be nominated for such a prestigious award at an amazing university.”
Cultural competence is a constant theme of Abreu’s work for ODI as well as the Office of Admissions and Scholarships. Under Abreu’s guidance, the Office of Admissions received 800 more applicants for admittance to the Class of 2022 than it did for the Class of 2021. “Abreu is committed to a holistic admissions policy that rewards cultural diversity,” says Holcombe. “She champions diversity and is committed to developing a culture of respect, admiration, and acceptance amongst students, staff, faculty, and administration at the College.”
Abreu, the ODI team, and the College’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee have created a five-year Strategic Plan that aligns with the College’s Strategic Plan. The purpose of ODI’s Strategic Plan is to develop a series of strategies and tactics that will guide the College to advance the diversity mission. This work is being achieved through the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in structural, curricular, and climatic dimensions.
“The work that’s being done isn’t my work, it’s the work of the team and the Committee. I don’t accept this award for me—I accept it on behalf of the College, and my colleagues and mentors.” says Abreu. “I owe them un millón de gracias (millions of thanks) because they gave this College a huge gift by nominating me for the EIDA; I dedicate the honor of this award to them.”