Second-year DVM student Jill Grogan was 1 of only 34 students in the world to receive a scholarship from the 2017 Merck Animal Health Veterinary Student Scholarship Program. A partnership between Merck Animal Health and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, the program is the charitable arm of the American Veterinary Medical Association and aims to support veterinary medical students in their educational endeavors.
“We know that the cost of veterinary education can be a challenge, but want to encourage talented students to pursue their dreams,” said Scott Bormann, vice president, North America, Merck Animal Health. “We’re honored to support these recipients, as the work they do throughout their careers will have an important impact on the animal health industry, helping to advance the medical care of both companion and large animals.”
Award recipients were selected based on academic excellence, demonstrable financial need, leadership qualities, and area of interest within the profession. Recipients will each receive a $5,000 scholarship to support their education.
“I am honored to be among the distinguished recipients of this scholarship,” said Grogan. “It grants me the financial freedom to pursue opportunities for meaningful experiences in my intended field of zoonotic diseases in marine environments. I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward Merck Animal Health and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation. This scholarship is a significant financial contribution, and provides me with encouragement and motivation to pursue my professional goals.”
Grogan, an Alaska native, obtained her bachelor of science in Biological Sciences from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She has gained veterinary medical experience working at an array of animal hospitals, as well as the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. Grogan plans to pursue a career in conservation medicine, focusing on subsistence-hunted marine mammals in Arctic ecosystems and the potential impacts of deteriorating sea ice.