Dalen Agnew DVM, PhD
(Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation)
Theme: Reproductive health, feline oncology, exotic cats
Project(s): Investigating the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer in panthers
Loic Dejardin DVM PhD; Danielle Marturello DVM; Karen Perry BVM&S, MRCVS
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: Feline orthopedics
1. Characterizing the feline femur
2. Develpment of a small interlocking nail device
3.Clinical studies of the efficacy of the interlocking nail device
Gisela Hussey DVM, PhD; and Roger Maes DVM, PhD
(Microbiology and Molecular Genetics)
Theme: Feline infectious disease, Feline Herpesvirus -1, vaccine development
Project(s): Identification of feline herpesvirus -1 genes and their effects on host immunomodulation for the development of modified live vaccines.
John Kruger DVM, PhD; Katie Lonc DVM, IM Resident
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: Feline urology and nephrology, urinary incontinence
Project(s): Investigating the causes, treatment, and outcomes of urinary incontinence in cats
John Kruger DVM, PhD; Sarah Buchholz DVM Student
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: Feline urology and Nephrology, feline idiopathic cystitis
Project(s): Optimizing tests for detection of cytokines and chemokines as biomarkers of FIC
John Kruger DVM, PhD; Taylor Aiello BS, CMIB MS Student; Peter Schall BS, Anim Sci PhD Student; Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan PhD
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Animal Science)
Theme: Feline urology and Nephrology/ Feline idiopathic cystitis
Project(s): Investigating the transcriptome of cats with differing phenotypes of FIC using RNA sequence analysis.
Daniel Langlois DVM; Amy Oberstradt DVM, IM Resident; Andrew Claude DVM; Kent Refsal DVM, PhD; Brian Petroff DVM, PhD
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation)
Theme: Feline endocrinology/hyperthyroidism
Project(s): Radioactive iodine uptake in hyperthyroid cats following recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone administration.
Xiaobo Tan, Tong Gao, John Kruger, Chunqi Qian, Nelson Sepulvada
(Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Radiology; and Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: Soft robotics
Projects: Development of miniaturized autonomous soft robotics for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions
Cheryl Swenson DVM, PhD; Garrick Moll DVM, CMIB PhD Student; Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan PhD
(Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: Feline infectious disease/FeLV prevention
Projects(s): Modulation of Feline Leukemia Virus Integration by inhibiting Bromodomain and extra-terminal domain
Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan PhD, Taylor Aiello BS, CMIB MS student; Sarah Corner, John Kruger DVM, PhD
(Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
Theme: feline oncology
Projects(s): Investigating the KIT gene in feline oral squamous cell carcinoma