Born November 15, 2008, Lucy has been a patient of the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center since March 19, 2018. She was seen initially for forelimb lameness, where radiographs showed bony elbow changes consistent with osteoarthritis. She also had inflammation in her biceps tendons due to overexertion and her aggravated arthritis. A patient of the MSU Neurology, Orthopedic Surgery, Rehabilitation, and Emergency and Critical Care Medicine services; she's a very special member of our Spartan family. Oh, and both of her owners are Spartans!

Dating back to April 23, 2018, Lucy has been a frequent flyer with MSU's Rehabilitation Service. There, she receives all sorts of rehabilitation: hydro, laser, and massage therapy, to name a few.

Lucy was diagnosed with probable IVDD (intervertebral disc disease) in October of 2020. IVDD is a condition that puts pressure on the spinal cord and causes neurologic deficits. Lucy's weekly visits with the MSU Rehabilitation Service are critical in easing and managing the pain and discomfort of this diagnosis.

In February of 2021, Lucy's veterinary medical team found a large splenic mass. Right now, they're unsure if it is benign or malignant. Sweet Lucy girl also has severe allergies and often loses her haircoat.

Despite all of this—all of her medical issues and severe pain from her elbows, spine, and rear limb muscular changes—she is ALWAYS happy to see her friends at the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
"When she visits for her weekly appointments with the MSU Rehabilitation Service, she smiles and wags her tail continuously. She literally beams like the sun. She loves water and has her own pool at home. She has a lifejacket nowadays and her owners go in with her to help her swim. Her favorite toy is a ball; she will whine and stare at MSU's toy box if we don't let her have it quickly. She has a housemate who is her actual littermate—a chocolate lab named Schroeder. Her owners both work for MSU. Oh, and she's very photogenic!" —Stephanie Kiszka, licensed veterinary technician for the MSU Rehabilitation Service and one of Lucy's BFFs.
We love you, Lucy! Thank you for being such a special, valued, and long-time member of our family.