
Be the premier destination for veterinary expertise, relevant, responsive service and outreach.
Strategy 3.1--Promote programs that drive collaborative multidisciplinary care, innovative clinical research teams and outstanding education and training.
Co-Champions: Chris Pirie and Amy Munsterman

Recruit, retain and develop outstanding talent that allows the CVM to strategically provide innovative programs and premier service.

Advance cutting-edge, multidisciplinary clinical programs that distinguish the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

Continue to develop and maintain state-of-the-art animal hospitalization and diagnostic facilities.

Build strong collaborative relationships with referring veterinarians, corporate veterinary practices, industry and external stakeholders.

Advance science, education and training to improve animal health.

Distribute CVM discoveries and implement new findings into veterinary services.
Strategy 3.2--Provide exceptional, responsive, patient- and client-centered service.
Co-Champions: Bari Olivier, Kimberly Dodd, Kelley Meyers, and Rob Fowkes

Clearly articulate expectations across the enterprise that ensure leadership, faculty and staff play a key role in supporting a culture of respect and service excellence.

Improve access, appointment scheduling and communication for clients and referring veterinarians.

Increase community DVM’s access to the VDL services, such as sample submission and contact with in-house experts.

Provide customer service training for all VMC and VDL staff

Strategy 3.3--Position the CVM, VMC and VDL as regional, national and global resources.
Co-Champions: Bari Olivier, Kimberly Dodd, Kelley Meyers, and Rob Fowkes

Promote the College as a veterinary and public health resource to the Greater Lansing area and the State of Michigan.

Document CVM’s contributions to society and the State of Michigan.

Prepare interested faculty and house officers (both VDL and VMC) to be responsive to media questions/interviews and to assist with story pitches to the media.

Ensure MSU’s Communications and Brand Strategy Office has up-to-date lists of CVM experts available for media inquiries.

Increase global exposure and reputation of MSU CVM faculty experts with practitioners around the world.

Strategy 3.4--Expand outreach and extension efforts with veterinarians and the community.
Co-Champions: John Buchweitz and Pam Ruegg

Strengthen relationships with referring veterinarians and corporate veterinary practices

Provide continuing education and networking events.

Implement proactive approaches to expand stakeholder outreach and engagement.

Extend MSU veterinary expertise and outreach efforts to a broader community.

Incentivize community engagement in annual reviews and reappointment, promotion and tenure decisions.

Strengthen relationships with industry, government and the community.

Strategy 3.5--Ensure ongoing financial sustainability of the VMC and VDL.
Co-Champions: Keith Hayes and Ronda Decker

Regularly evaluate all clinical programs to optimize clinical service efficiency and identify opportunities for cost-containment or revenue enhancement.

Assess the impact of the university’s new budget model on VMC and VDL budgets.

Expand funding sources and revenue streams.

Expand philanthropic support in support of the VMC and VDL.