
Recruit, retain and develop outstanding, diverse talent.
Strategy 4.1--Be the destination for outstanding faculty, staff and students.
Co-Champions: Leanne Kroll and Kristen Lare

Promote MSU CVM’s key differentiating factors that make the college a destination and great place to work.

Unique opportunities across MSU for inter-professional and interdisciplinary education, research and service.

Innovative education, training and internship programs.

Fully integrated veterinary nursing program.

Ensure on-going CVM faculty recruitment adheres to a strategic and standardized process.

Develop a diverse talent pool of outstanding faculty and student candidates.

Partner with K-16 educational programs, community partners, government agencies and stakeholders to increase all aspects of diversity in applicant pools.

Offer flexible workspaces and schedules, particularly important during the pandemic.

Strategy 4.2--Expand diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the College of Veterinary Medicine
Co-Champions: Raquel Mueller

Actively recruit, retain and develop diverse faculty, staff and students.

Expand and develop pipeline programs to identify diverse faculty and student candidates.

Nurture and mentor CVM’s diverse faculty, staff and students to achieve career success.

Enhance targeted career development initiatives.

Collaborate with K-16 educational and mentoring programs, community partners, government programs, and stakeholders to increase all aspects of diversity In applicant pools (e.g., cultural, ethnic, gender, socioeconomic, career focus, etc.).

Advance CVM’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Create a culture of inclusion that supports diverse student’s learning and social experiences.

Enhance development efforts to increase the number and size of scholarship funds designated as recruitment incentives to enhance DEI goals.

Provide access to multicultural experiences that enhance DEI through programs such as: VOICE activities, LGBTQ events, Women in Leadership programs, enrichment summer program and DEI educational programs etc.

Strategy 4.3--Strengthen mentoring and career development opportunities for all.
Co-Champions: Susan Ewart, Sarah Machniak, and Lisa Kelley

Develop formal mentorship programs for all in the College.

Explore opportunities to establish innovative faculty tracks.

Establish a formal process for staff succession planning and career promotional opportunities.

Ensure students have access to faculty and alumni for mentoring and career development.

Provide invigorating opportunities for faculty and staff to interact with internal and external colleagues.

Advance continuing education opportunities for all.