The purpose of the preveterinary curriculum is to provide a foundational knowledge in the basic sciences, an understanding of social systems and cultures, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate effectively. These skills are necessary for success in the veterinary medical profession.
Completion of these courses meets the minimum requirements for admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program. However, significant coursework beyond the minimum is extremely beneficial preparation for the rigor of the medical science curriculum and its heavy credit loads.

Academic Requirements
The academic requirements for preveterinary students at MSU are as follows:
- College Algebra & Trigonometry OR Calculus I
- 2 General Biology courses with labs
- 1 General Chemistry course with lab
- 2 Organic Chemistry courses with lab
- 2 Physics courses with labs
- 1 Biochemistry course
- 1 Advanced Biology elective course
- 1 Physiology course
- 1 English composition course
- 2 Social Science courses
- 2 Humanities courses
Relevant Advanced Placement and IB courses may be accepted as college credit toward admissions requirements for MSU's DVM Program, as well as relevant courses taken by students who are dual-enrolled in high school and another university or college.
Semester Credits
WRA 101Writing Rhetoric and American Cultures4
IAH (201-210)Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities4
IAH (211 or higher)Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities4
ISS (210 – 235)Integrative Studies in Social Science4
ISS (305-336)Integrative Studies in Social Science4
Semester Credits
MTH 116College Algebra and Trigonometry (or its equivalent: MTH 103 and 114)5
CEM 141General Chemistry4
CEM 161General Chemistry Laboratory1
CEM 251Organic Chemistry I3
CEM 252Organic Chemistry II3
CEM 255Organic Chemistry Laboratory2
BS 161Cell and Molecular Biology3
BS 171Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory2
BS 162Organismal and Population Biology3
BMB 401Basic Biochemistry4
PHY 231Introductory Physics I3
PHY 251Introductory Physics I Laboratory1
PHY 232Introductory Physics II3
PHY 252Introductory Physics II Laboratory1
Semester Credits
ANS 314Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals4
ANS 409Advancement of Reproduction4
BDL 343Clinical Immunology3
IBIO 300Neurobiology3
IBIO 320Developmental Biology4
IBIO 341Fundamental Genetics4
IBIO 408Histology4
IBIO 425Cell and Development4
IBIO 450Cancer Biology3
MMG 301Introduction to Microbiology3
MMG 409Eukaryotic Cell Biology3
NEU 300Neurobiology3
ENT 460Medical Entomology3
Semester Credits
ANS 315Anatomy Physiology of Farm Animals4
PSL 250Introductory Physiology4
PSL 310Physiology for Pre-Health Professionals4
PSL 341Human Physiology I4