You don’t have to be a scientist to change the world. Your gifts let us do that for you.
With the General Scholarship Fund, the college helps provide support for students in the DVM program. Across the country, the elevating cost of higher education makes scholarship funds such as this vital to the future of veterinary medicine.
The Production Medicine Scholars Fund supports qualified MSU students who are enrolled as majors in the Department of Animal Science, have excellent academic records, and are pursuing a veterinary career with a commitment to livestock agriculture.
Small Animal
The Companion Animal Fund supports all aspects of improving the health and well-being of companion animals, from research equipment to the training of veterinarians and graduate students.
The Lucky Fund for Needy Animals provides financial assistance to treat animals at the hospital who have a good prognosis for recovery and whose owners have demonstrated need.
The Equine Rehabilitation Fund for rescued horses provides diagnostic and surgical services to horses rescued through non-profit equine rescues such as CANTER, which rehabilitates and finds homes for retired racehorses.
The Equine Teaching Fund supports the care and treatment of horses admitted to the Large Animal Clinic whose cases will provide a valuable or unique teaching opportunity and whose owner will not pursue treatment without financial assistance.
Large Animal
The Large Animal Clinical Sciences Fund supports all aspects of improving the health and well-being of large animals, from research equipment to the training of veterinarians and graduate students.
The Wildlife Fund supports our Zoo and Wildlife Service, which sees sick and injured wildlife (mostly birds of prey) with a goal to treat animals and release them back to the wild, while teaching veterinary students principles of wildlife care.
The Intercultural, Inclusion, and Diversity Initiatives Fund supports student activities and college initiatives that foster our values of diversity in representation and an inclusive environment. These include scholarships, study abroad, and the Vetward Bound Program.
Medical Center
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital Fund supports the hospital with the purchase of new equipment and with teaching funds that assist in educating our students, interns, and residents.
Learn more about the College's funding priorities.
The College depends on private support to advance our mission.
The MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Office of Development:
Phone: 517-353-4937
Fax: 517-432-2391
Development and Alumni Relations
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University
784 Wilson Road / Room F130
East Lansing, MI 48824