Posted February 04, 2019

Introducing Veterinary Education Day (VetEd), an event for high school students and college undergraduates and graduates interested in the veterinary profession.

VetEd will include presentations for high school students and college undergraduates and graduates eager to learn more about the specific educational programs offered by the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine and how they can best prepare for application to the pre-veterinary, Veterinary Technology, and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine programs.

In order to maintain the best environment for healing and learning, we will not offer tours of the Hospital or College during this time. Stay tuned for our upcoming virtual tour!

Registration information for Veterinary Education Day will be available soon.

Note: Based on community feedback, new University regulations and additional biosecurity regulations in the Veterinary Medical Center affecting the College’s capacity to handle a large event, and our desire to best educate the public while maintaining animal welfare, Veterinary Education Day will replace Veterinary Exploration Day and Vet-a-Visit. The College believes this is the best way to fulfill our mission to learn, heal, discover, and protect.

In April, the MSU Science Festival offers over 200 activities in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics that are sure to dazzle, delight, educate, and inform. Also, the MSU Department of Animal Science will be hosting a Small Animals Day on April 13, providing an opportunity for community members of all ages to meet a variety of animals.