What is canine influenza?
Canine influenza virus is one of several pathogens that can cause respiratory disease in dogs. There are currently two strains of influenza known to affect dogs. One is the H3N8 strain and the other is the H3N2 strain. Neither strain affects humans, but the H3N2 strain can infect cats.
How is canine influenza transmitted?
This virus can spread from one dog to another through direct contact with respiratory secretions (coughing and sneezing) and contact with contaminated objects (toys, bedding, food/water bowls, etc.). The virus can survive in the environment for up to two days and on hands or clothing for up to 24 hours.

How can influenza affect my dog?
Signs of illness include cough, runny nose, fever, lack of appetite, and lethargy. Some animals may have asymptomatic infections (no signs of illness). Older dogs (7 years or older) and younger dogs (less than one year) are more likely to experience complications. Any pet owner who suspects that their dog may be sick should see their veterinarian.
How do I help prevent canine influenza?
If your dog is showing signs of any illness, it is best to keep him/her at home and away from other dogs. Taking a dog to a kennel, day care, park, or other area where dogs interact with one another has the potential to spread illnesses. Regular hand washing (with soap and water), as well as cleaning and disinfecting clothing and other items (with household detergents and disinfectants) can help prevent transmission.