Posted July 08, 2016

Red, a 15-year-old cat, was in a hit-and-run accident with an ATV. He suffered several serious injuries, including a broken pelvis. After multiple surgeries and weeks of rest and rehabilitation, Red is going home. 

2 Red And Beer Smiles Color
After weeks of recovery, Red is ready to go—just one last visit with Dr. Beer for a post-surgery check.
3 Red And Beer Surgery Check Color
Red stays focused while Dr. Beer checks to see how he is healing.
4 Walking With Becky
Get moving: Red works with Becky Rathbun, LVT, from rehab for one last workout before heading home.
5 Red Gait Patterning
Red gets some love from student Theodore Chang while Becky helps with gait patterning.
7 Red Walking
With Becky's help, Red is learning to walk again. She helps Red move his left leg, which is healing nicely along with the rest of him.
6 Red Stretching
Red is making Becky's job easy by helping with his stretches.
8 Red Balance
Last trick of the day: Red practices balance to rebuild strength.
Categories: Happy Tails