Being a Mother in Vet school

DVM student Kaytie Voirol describes how sometimes the biggest challenges come in the smallest bundles.
Being a Mother in Vet SchoolLevi the Horse Survives a Puncture Wound to his Lung

The Veterinary Medical Center helps an injured horse overcome the odds.
Levi the horse survives puncture wound to lungThe Summer I spent Studying White-Nose Syndrome

Summer Research student Samantha Darling is first-author of a scientific publication.
The Summer I Spent Studying White-Nose SyndromeOn the Other Side of the World: College Faculty Visit Japan

The College partners with veterinarians from the Japanese government’s agricultural insurance program to promote animal health and food safety.
On the Other Side of the World: College Faculty Visit JapanFood Animal Medicine Student Symposium

Students practice veterinary skills and networking at The Ohio State University.
Food Animal Medicine Student SymposiumIverson Bell: Building a Diverse Workforce to Serve Global Needs

The Iverson Bell Symposium focuses on creating a culture of inclusion for veterinary students.
Iverson Bell: Building a Diverse Workforce to Serve Global Needs