Sophie, an eight-year-old spayed female Domestic Short Hair cat presented to the Michigan State University Small Animal Clinic’s Orthopedic Surgery Service for evaluation of medial patellar luxation affecting both hind limbs
Leo is a two-year-old Holstein/Jersey steer that presented to Michigan State University’s Large Animal Emergency Service for obstructive urolithiasis, uroabdomen, and rumen dysbiosis/vagal indigestion.
A clinical report on Stella, the 8-month-old female Rottweiler who presented to the MSU Veterinary Medical Center’s Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Service after she was found by the Lansing Fire Department in a house fire on Wednesday, February 13, 2019.
Peter Fowler, DVM Class of 2020, had the opportunity to travel to Nepal as part of a public health clerkship through the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Through MSU's One Health study abroad program in Nepal, Dana Stewart, fourth-year veterinary medical and Master of Public Health student, learned about the interconnectedness of people, animals, and the environment.
Pedro Soto-Elias, DVM Class of 2020, recounts the lessons he learned, the memories he made, and the experiences he was given during his time with the Mazunte Project.
Jonathan Teeple, DVM Class of 2020, reflects on his time working with the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
DVM class of 2020 students, Pedro Soto-Elias and Allyson Tucker, and DVM class of 2019 students, Jill Grogan and Jamie Welker, were selected to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico for participation in the 2019 Mazunte Project.
Kathryn Kesler, DVM class of 2020, is reminded of where her interest in veterinary medicine began when she volunteers at the Michigan 4-H Veterinary Science Workshop.