Most pet owners understand the strong bond between human and animal. For many people, pets become family, and they provide support through the good and bad times.
When Sue Williams lost Haley, an 11-year-old Shitzu-Poodle mix, to a fast and ruthless recurrence of cancer, the sorrow she felt was almost unbearable. Sue became Haley’s owner after a family tragedy, and always felt comforted and strengthened by her pet’s companionship.
“She had the biggest, sweetest loving, caring heart,” Sue said, remembering Haley fondly.
With that treasured memory, Sue decided to donate to the MSU Veterinary Medical Center’s Lucky Fund. The Lucky Fund provides financial assistance to qualified clients who had demonstrated need and whose animal has a good prognosis for recovery.
“I know some people are less fortunate … If I can help a family keep their pet in their life, then I’m gonna try to do that because I know how much Haley meant to me and how much it hurts to have her gone,” said Sue.
Sue is also in the process of setting up an endowment, some of which will be dedicated to helping students with the cost of veterinary school.
“Our faculty members are passionate about their work and their impact is seen throughout. They see firsthand the value of having all the resources necessary to help a beloved family member,” said Tracey Zambeck, Associate Director or Development and Alumni Relations. “Can you imagine having to forego necessary treatment because of money? Sue Williams’ gift will help ensure that doesn’t happen.”