
Regulation of mast cell activation and GI barrier function by the CRF System

Stress-related GI diseases such as IBS are characterized by increased mast cells numbers and heightened release of mast cell mediators.

A current area of research focus in this laboratory is to investigate how mast cells are regulated in response to psychological and immunological stressors, via the CRF system.

Neuro-immune mechanisms of early life stress-induced GI disorders

Early life adversity is a major risk factor for the later-life development and severity of major GI diseases in adulthood.

The overall objective of this research is to understand the mechanisms by which early life stress triggers long-lasting defects in intestinal epithelial barrier function.

Optimizing GI health in agricultural animals

Disease in animals and people is a result interactions between the host, environment and pathogenic/ immunologic factors.

We seek to understand how environment and management-related stressors adversely impact GI health and develop and test new management strategies to prevent GI disease and improve animal well-being.