The Enrichment Summer Program (ESP), a summer research opportunity for undergraduate students, is offered every year by the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The program provides three weeks of veterinary experience to undergraduate students across the country.
Below, participants in the 2022 program share their dreams and discoveries.

Dorian Wilson, Zoology Student at Michigan State University
Why did you participate in ESP?
I wanted to learn more about what being a vet could look like and prepare for my vet school applications.
What did you work on in ESP?
We worked on such a variety of things from collaboration to histology.
What did you like most about your work in ESP?
I particularly enjoyed shadowing internal medicine vets and vet students. It was my first time in a full vet hospital and I learned a lot about what they do day-to-day, as well as witnessing some procedures up close.
It made me even more excited to enter vet school and start learning.
Cassidy Johnson, Animal Science Student at Tuskegee University

Why did you participate in ESP?
I participated because this program helps you to fully understand what it takes to be a veterinary student. Although my future career goals involve becoming a veterinarian, I was not 100% sure if veterinary school would be something I could handle. I figured that this program would be similar to how vet schools operate, so I decided to give it a chance. Not only that; you network with a ton of individuals within the veterinary field, which is another great thing when considering this career. I met students who also want to go into this career, which helps because you want to surround yourself with people with the same goals as you.
Now I have forever friends within this field, and with the program, I receive a good idea of the life of veterinary students, clinicians, and the field. I am beyond excited to apply to veterinary schools and start my career!
What did you work on in ESP?
We participated in many seminars, presentations, and departments in the Hospital. This included leadership building; diversity, equity, and inclusion presentations; personality tests/results; and many more amazing lessons. A few of our classes included anatomy, histology, toxicology, microbiology, and physiology/cardiology, to name a few. I learned A LOT in all of these classes that I know I will be able to use in the future. The last week, we were able to shadow in the animal clinic under talented and well-rounded individuals, which helped us to gather a better understanding of what veterinarians do—whether it’s in a school setting or private practice!

What did you like most about your work in ESP?
I enjoyed ESP and the experiences A LOT but my favorite part of the program would be building friendships, relationships, and mentor/mentee bonds. Without these connections and relationships, it could be pretty hard to get by in life, even if it’s not in the veterinary field. The friendships I made within these three weeks was everything I needed for this program. We bonded extremely fast and it felt like we knew each other for years. Never a dull moment with them. Without them, I don’t think this experience would be complete. Even after the program, we still connect via social media and talk to each other as if we never left Michigan State University. I am forever grateful for them and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them!
Overall I will rate this program 1000/10, I had a blast and I hope future ESP members have the same experience that ESP 2022 had!! 😊