About the Award
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award aims to recognize a single individual from the College community—faculty, staff, student, or alumni—for contributions to diversity and inclusion in alignment with the College’s values and Strategic Plan. The nomination process opens in November of each year. Nominations will be accepted through the following February. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award recipient will be recognized at a College event. The recipient will receive a monetary award.
2024 College of Veterinary Medicine Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Recipient

Dr. Harry Cridge is the 2024 winner of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.
Pursuing Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity in itself is not enough to produce environments where all individuals and perspectives are welcomed, valued, and treated with respect and dignity. While the presence of individuals who reflect the diversity of the populations we serve may suffice as a representation of numbers, the practice of inclusion refers to intentional creation of policies, procedures, and practices that respectfully invite all voices to the decision-making table, and encourage and create opportunities to learn from, capitalize on, and be enriched by, even as they challenge us to grow and think differently. With these proactive measures, the benefits of diversity may be possible to attain.
The nominee should support diversity and inclusion goals defined by the College's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan.
- GOAL 1: Increase diverse populations of students, staff, and faculty with a focus on inclusion.
- GOAL 2: Embed cross-cultural learning opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.
- GOAL 3: Create a culture of respect and appreciation of others.
Nominations should include a brief narrative, two (2) letters of support, and curriculum vitae or resume. Self-nominations are welcome. Direct questions to the College of Veterinary Medicine's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Submit Your Nominations Here by Noon on Friday, February 17, 2025Nomination review process
A sub-group of the College’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will review all nominations and make a recommendation to the dean.
Applications in support of the nominee must include a statement of how the nominee has contributed significantly in one or more of the following efforts in support of College’s strategic goals on diversity and inclusion:
- Leadership: Leaders are present at all levels within the College and may or may not have direct supervisory responsibility. For inclusion to be accepted and championed, leadership at all levels must provide visible and consistent messaging about the importance of diversity within the organization. In addition to demonstrating support for diversity efforts, leaders help provide the vision, initiative, and clear expectations that others embrace and imitate. Please provide examples of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership in the College’s diversity and inclusion goals.
- Infrastructure: For inclusive environments to be sustained, policies and systems must be implemented that support the long-term goals of the College. Please provide examples of how the nominee has contributed to, or led development of policies and systems that have had a positive impact on the College’s diversity and inclusion goals.
- Evaluation and Assessment: For programs and initiatives to be successful and remain relevant over time, continuous assessment and reflection about the needs of the College, and the strategies and goals put in place in response to these needs, are required. Please provide examples of how the nominee has contributed to, or led efforts, to ensure the College’s advancements in the area of diversity and inclusion remain relevant, and that measures are in place to enable continuous improvement.
- Education: Diversity and inclusion efforts can be enhanced by creating and supporting programs aimed at increasing cultural and practical competencies for all individuals who have a role in the College’s success. Please provide examples of how the nominee has significantly contributed to, or led development of, programs or initiatives that have had a positive impact on the College’s diversity and inclusion goals.
- Collaboration: Collaboration with individuals and organizations that have shared goals around diversity and inclusion can increase the success and impact of those programs. Please provide examples of how the nominee has demonstrated effective collaboration within the College, MSU, or the community that have led to increased awareness, participation, and success of programs, initiatives, or processes in support of the College’s diversity and inclusion goals.