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Congratulations, Class of 1975!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of your graduation from The College of Veterinary Medicine! Reunion is a great opportunity to rediscover your alma mater and see all the exciting changes at both the College and the University since your time on campus. Join fellow alumni and friends as you reminisce and reconnect with classmates. Reunion will take place the weekend of Friday, September 12 - Saturday, September 13. Stay tuned for more details regarding the schedule!

If you have questions, please contact Rachel Vigilante, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations at (517) 355-8503 or

Note: Registration will open in April

Click here to register

We invite you to fill out the Class of 1975 Memory Book to share what you’ve been up to since graduation! All attendees will receive a copy at Reunion.

Kindly RSVP for the 50th Reunion by Friday, August 22.

To allow for printing, Memory Book submissions are due by Friday, August 8.

Event Details

Dates: Friday, September 12: Evening Welcome Reception at 5:30 p.m. (Details to follow) Saturday, September 13: Daytime campus events and activities Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Schedule: Coming soon!

Room Block: Coming soon!

Group 50Th
Lost Classmates

Help us connect with classmates for whom we have no contact information.

70S Vets

Be a Part of Your 50th Reunion Commitee!

Interested in joining the 50th Reunion Committee? As a committee member, you will work with members of the alumni engagement team as well as fellow alumni to plan a successful reunion celebration.

Your role would be to:

  • Encourage classmates to participate in the reunion
  • Help us conduct outreach via phone or email to invite classmates back to campus
  • Contribute to music selection, photo sharing, and a guest list for faculty

If you are interested in serving on your 50th Reunion Committee or would like more information, please contact Rachel Vigilante at (517) 355-8503 or

50Th Composite