For the first time at MSU, clinicians employed laser ablation to treat a polyp found in the glandular mucosa of Sam, a 13-year-old Irish Sporthorse gelding used in upper-level dressage.
Anesthetizing a peacock comes with vastly different considerations than a dog or a cat would. Spartan veterinary anesthesiologists walk through the differences.
Otto, a one-year-old Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, presented to the Internal Medicine service at the MSU Veterinary Medical Center after his primary veterinarian noted that the energetic young dog did not appear to have an opening for his right ear to the ear canal.
Maverick, a nine-month-old black Labrador retriever, was presented to the MSU Veterinary Medical Center’s Primary Care service for further workup for a suspected giant kidney worm (Dioctophyme renale) infection.
Percy, a 3-month-old American Paint Horse colt, was presented to the Large Animal Emergency Service at the MSU Veterinary Medical Center with his mare for severe, acute left forelimb lameness. Here's how a Spartan surgeon addressed his injury.
Dom, a 1.5-year-old English Springer Spaniel, presented to the MSU Veterinary Medical Center’s Soft Tissue Surgery Service for a previously diagnosed diaphragmatic hernia.
Rouby, an 18-year-old Oldenburg multiparous broodmare, was presented to Michigan State University’s Equine Emergency Service for dystocia that was unable to be resolved on the farm. She was two weeks overdue with her foal.
Annie is a 9.5-year-old female spayed Labrador mix who was presented to Michigan State University Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Service for lethargy and possible gastrointestinal obstruction.
Riley is a 7-year-old female spayed mix breed dog who was presented to the Michigan State University Internal Medicine Service in December of 2021 for evaluation of recurrent bladder stones and for discussion of laser lithotripsy.